From Rev. Frank Fornaro

Each of the seasons of our year is marked by a wonder of God’s great bounty in creation. Even in these times, we see that autumn is brilliant with color and harvest and expectations of plenty.  Autumn also brings with it shorter days and longer nights.  It’s curious that we begin to gear up as nature seems to be gearing down.  In ancient times, people chose this time of the year to stop and reflect as nature seems to do.   People took advantage of the shorter days to be with family, to share dreams, celebrate the bounty of their harvest, and plan for the seasons ahead.  There is abundance around us; we may have to look harder to see it now.

It is out of that abundance that we are called to live.  How has God filled our lives?

How are God’s gifts of love and care evident in our daily lives?  As we enter this reflective yet active season of our life together, let’s be intentional about acting out of abundance.  Let’s be aware of all that God has given each one of us and to all of us and take that and give it to one another and to all those we meet everyday. 

Every season has kernels of new beginnings. September is the start of a new year for many of us especially school youth. We revisit our hopes and we have new hopes as the program year of our lives begins. It is in that hope that I pray, we will live in the face of the world’s pains. Remembering that God is constantly saving us.

It is a great joy and a great gift for me to be among you and share my life and journey in Christ with such a welcoming, loving, and committed Christian community.
