Adult Forum
Join us Sunday morning from September through May for provocative and educational discussions. In the past year, Adult Forum programs included:
- Parenting in the Pews
- Speakers on Mission Partners and Stewardship Q & A sessions with the Vestry
- Civil Rights and the Modern Yankee Martyr Jonathan Daniels – Advent Series
- Money Theology
- Creation Care
- B-PEACE Organizer Julia MacMahon
- Conversations about Redeemer’s Future with the Realizing Our Vision Team
Education for Ministry
Education for Ministry
(a seminar that informs your everyday ministry to others)
Education for Ministry is a worldwide adult formation program that offers deep Bible study and rich theological reflection in the context of a small group (six to twelve participants) that gathers for study and worship once a week. It is a four-year program that can be taken consecutively or with gaps in-between years. The concentration for each year is:
Year 1: Old Testament
Year 2: New Testament
Year 3: History of Christianity
Year 4: Theology
The program year is 36 weeks long. Redeemer’s EfM group meets (presently via Zoom) on Tuesday mornings from 9:30 to noon, September through May. You can learn more at the EfM website or by speaking to either of our Rectors or to the EfM Mentor. Scholarships for tuition are available.