Lenten Quiet Retreat: An Introduction to Contemplative Retreat

This year Redeemer will try a new way to reconnect with God during Lent: a quiet retreat. On Friday evening, March 17 through Saturday afternoon, March 18, Mary Ann Burnside and Rev. Kate Ekrem will be co-leading an overnight retreat at Bethany House of Prayer in Arlington. Fourteen members from the Redeemer community have signed up to attend the Lenten Retreat. The theme will be an introduction to Contemplative Prayer, and the retreat will include teachings on contemplative practice, quiet activities, and shared reflections. The retreat will allow the attendees to take a break, and to reconnect with themselves and with God. The retreat will be held at the Bethany House of Prayer on the grounds of a beautiful secluded convent in Arlington Heights. Rev. Kate has been practicing centering prayer for over 20 years and has taught many workshops on it. Mary Ann Burnside is a trained spiritual director and a colleague at Bethany House, and has been teaching mindfulness and contemplative practice for many years.