Worship from March 14, 2021 – Sermon by the Rev. Kate Ekrem
Worship Bulletin
Gaelic Melody “Bunessan”
Arr. H.S. Livingston, Jr.
Earth Dance
Vivian Murray
Audio and video recorded January 2021 in Atrium classes
Earth dance in starshine and Earth dance in Sun,
Earth dance on her sacred ground. We will Sing and dance as one!
The short melody will be sung three times. You are invited to sing along with the recording or sing it as a round in canon with the recording. You may begin the melody on ANY of the words “Earth” or “Sing”
Opening Hymn
Guide Me, O Though Great Jehovah
Blue Hymnal 690

Lord Have Mercy
Blue Hymnal S 96

Gospel Hymn
Amazing Grace
Blue Hymnal 671
Recording of St. Andrew the Great Parish, Cambridge, UK

Musical Offering
Climbin’ Up the Mountain
African-American Spiritual
Redeemer Adult Choir – Recorded and mixed March 2021
Climbin’ up the mountain, children
Didn’t come here for to stay
If I nevermore see you again
Gonna meet you at the judgment day,
Hallelujah Lord….
Hebrew children in the fiery furnace
And they began to pray
And the good Lord smote that fire out
Oh, wasn’t that a mighty day!
Good Lord, wasn’t that a mighty day !
That’s why I’m … [refrain]
Daniel went in the lions’ den
And he begin to pray
And the angel of the Lord locked the lion’s jaw
Oh, wasn’t that a mighty day!
Good Lord, wasn’t that a mighty day!
That’s why I’m … [refrain]
Holy, Holy, Holy Lord Picardy Fr. 17th c.
Holy, holy, holy Lord
God of power and might
Heaven and earth are full,
Full of your glory
Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna
Hosanna in the highest
Blessed is he who comes,
Who comes in the name of the Lord
Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna
Hosanna in the highest
The Lord’s Prayer
Blue Hymnal S 119

Closing Hymn
We’ll Understand it Better By and By
Blue Hymnal 516

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