Worship Space Renovation Discussion Team
Update on Worship Space Renovation Process:
Seeking members for Worship Space Renovation Discussion Team
At the Annual Meeting in January, we began a year-long discussion of whether or not our parish wishes to renovate its worship space. In March, Rev. Kate presented the timeline for the discussion. During the spring, parishioners are invited to nominate worship spaces to visit to get ideas, then visit those other houses of worship. On May 5, the discussion will continue with an Adult Forum from the Organ Committee about the state of the organ.
Susan Dresley, vestry member and co-chair of both the Altar Guild and Liturgy Team, will chair the Worship Space Renovation Discussion Team. This Team will organize field trips to other house of worship, develop a feedback form, and collect the feedback. The Team will continue this fall to share that feedback and help the Worship Committee design worship experiments to help us get a feel for what we like and don’t like. The Team will likely conclude its work in the late fall.
We are seeking a few more people to join this team. If you would like to be part of guiding this discussion and helping us think about the values and vision we want to express in a potential worship space, please speak to Susan Dresley or Rev. Kate.
Here are some forms you can download for use when you visit a space: