Worship Ministries


Young people in grades four and above are invited to serve at the altar as acolytes. After training, acolytes may participate by carrying the cross or the torches, and by assisting clergy at the Eucharist.

Altar Guild/Flowers

The Altar Guild keep the linens and altar settings beautiful. Although their ministry is largely behind-the-scenes, it is integral to creating a holy feeling when we gather at God’s table. Altar Guild members work in teams, and new members join a team with experienced members.

Flowers on the altar, and arrangements of greens during Advent and Lent, remind us of God’s goodness in creation and brighten our worship space. Flowers are often sponsored in honor or memory of a special person or event, and may be purchased through our vendor or a florist of your choice or may be gathered from your garden.

Liturgy Team

Children, youth and their families are invited to serve at the 9:30 AM Sunday service. Multi-generational teams work together for one calendar month to set up the altar, welcome, read, pray, collect and present the offerings of bread, wine and money, and serve the chalice at Holy Communion. Liturgy Teams meet at the beginning of their designated month to learn their roles and prepare for the Sunday services. Families are encouraged to sign up together, and each month’s group divides the roles to suit each person’s schedule, interests, and abilities.

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